Allowing for the Unknown
Posted on March 28th, 2012
Beginnings are messy. We deliberately start by not knowing in order to allow our research to emerge from the materials at hand. Beginnings are messy because we entertain all input, listen and watch, listen and watch and take in, and listen and watch, and gather multiple perspectives. Nothing is outside the boundaries in the beginning. Beginnings are messy. We deliberately start by not knowing in order to move into new spaces and encounter the unfamiliar. We are in the beginning now of a new project. The boundaries are defined only slightly. We know our concerns are choreographic. We know we are interested in bringing forth choreographic ideas through the mediums we have at hand animation, video, computer graphics, data, and code. We are beginning…
Tagged: choreographer, dancer, duets, emergent, LMA, perception, visualization, William Forsythe